dog guarding toys

For kids, their toys are certainly some of their most treasured belongings. And the amusing thing is, dogs are not much different. This story is about how a dog guards his toys. This is unusual and I will explain how.

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If dogs have a ‘hierarchy of importance’ on their belongings, their toys would come second only to their all-time favorite: bones. For example, this dog named Mika, loves his toys so much that he would not dare destroy them.

FYI, this is a very unusual trait for a dog. Does your Fur Baby love one toy so much that he protects it instead of shredding it? Treasuring one special toy is not really uncommon. However, it is not common for a dog to guard all of his toys in general.

Mika’s “mom”, Vanessa Dembowiak, is very proud of her dog’s strong desire to protect all of his toys.  Not only does Mika preserve the quality of his toys, but he also demonstrates how much he values everything that she gives him.

However, it appears that there’s one downside to this situation. Mika loves his toys so much that he won’t even let his mom take all of them to have their much-needed cleaning.

When Dog Guards His Toys, It Becomes A Challenge

This was a bit of a problem for Vanessa. She noticed that her fluffy son’s toys had become dirty and needed some heavy-duty cleaning. But, not to be outdone, Vanessa thought of a ‘sneaky way’ on how to accomplish the mission.

One day, when Mika was out of the house for a walk, she quickly ‘snatched’ all of Mika’s toys and cleaned all of them thoroughly.

At last, the years’ worth of dirt stuck on Mika’s toys had finally been removed. Vanessa was happy to see the toys hanging on the clothesline, waiting to be dried. But unfortunately, it seemed that Mika didn’t share the same enthusiasm as Vanessa.

When Mika arrived at the house, he was surprised (and obviously not amused) to see that his beloved toys were hanging on the clothesline. The fluffy dog was so concerned about his toys that he literally stayed under his hanging toys to guard them against possible ‘intruders.’

Dog Guards His Toys

dog guarding toys

Vanessa tried her best to convince Mika to go back inside the house. But Mika was firmly planted in his position and determined not to leave his toys. Luckily, even if Mika was annoyed by the situation, the story ended well.

Mika’s toys were finally cleaned up, allowing him to play with squeaky clean toys once more. There is one concern, however.

It might take a ‘few more years’ before Vanessa can clean his toys again. It is highly likely that Mika will be more ‘vigilant’ in guarding his toys from now on.


Here is another article about toys and dogs.

Maybe Mika could use a little CBD to help him relax.

Source: C. Olmstead via Dog Dispatch


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