Most stray and abandoned dogs do not trust humans. They do not want to be near humans and, perhaps, this is because people have abused many of them. The video clip entitled “Vet Teaches Dog To Trust Humans” shows us one remedy to this problem.
Rescuers see this all too well when they try to rescue dogs. Some dogs will fight to avoid getting caught, while others will cower in fear. But, the good thing is, these rescuers do their best to help these dogs trust again.
Dr. Andy Mathis is a vet, and he has been taking care of Graycie, a pit bull rescued from the streets. He felt sad for Graycie when he first met her. She had plenty of injuries, and she was skinny.
Graycie wasn’t open to having humans around. She most probably had suffered abuse while she was on the streets. Most shelters would put dogs like Graycie on the euthanasia list, but Dr. Andy didn’t want to do this. This vet wanted to teach this dog to trust humans.
How Vet Teaches Dog To Trust Humans:
Dr. Andy did his best to help Graycie recover. He gave her love and medical care. But, Graycie still wouldn’t eat well. Dr. Andy thought of a way to help Graycie trust in people again and, also, to help her get back her appetite.
One day, Dr. Andy got inside Graycie’s kennel. He brought in his own breakfast and gave Graycie her food. He ate his food inside the kennel to let Graycie feel comfortable around him.
Graycie was at first reluctant to eat. After all, there was a human right inside her kennel with her. Dr. Andy got some food and let Graycie eat off his hand. That seemed like the best trick as Graycie inched her way towards Dr. Andy and started eating. She knew Dr. Andy only wanted the best for her. After that, Graycie got her appetite back.
Now, Graycie has turned into a very happy dog who loves to play. She now also enjoys spending time with people.
Source: USA Today