photo of how to train dogs to fetch
Couleur (CC0), Pixabay

Everybody wants to know the best ways to train dogs to obey and perform tricks. Training your dog is both fun and beneficial. Here are the best ways to achieve this goal.

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Ways to Train Dogs

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is crucial. Reward your dog with treats, praise, or play when they follow commands. This method encourages them to repeat good behavior.

Consistency is Key

Be consistent with commands and rewards. Dogs learn best when they understand what to expect. Use the same words and actions every time.

Keep Training Sessions Short

Short training sessions, around 10–15 minutes, are most effective. Dogs have short attention spans and learn better in brief bursts.

Start with the basic commands.

Begin with simple commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” These form the foundation for more complex tricks.

Use Hand Signals

Hand signals help reinforce verbal commands. Dogs often respond well to visual cues, especially when learning new tricks.

 Be Patient and Positive

Training takes time. Stay patient and maintain a positive attitude. Dogs sense frustration, which can hinder their progress.


Expose your dog to different environments, people, and animals. This helps them remain calm and focused during training.

 Clicker Training

Clicker training involves using a small device that makes a clicking sound to mark desired behavior. This method is effective for teaching tricks.

Gradual Progression

Increase difficulty gradually. Once your dog masters a command, add more challenging tricks to keep them engaged.

As You Train Dogs, These Are the Most Common Tricks to Teach Your Dog

1. Sit: One of the first commands to teach. It’s simple and sets the stage for more tricks.
2. Stay: This command teaches patience and control.
3. Come: essential for safety and control in various situations.
4. Shake Hands: Fun and Simple. Dogs love the interaction.
5. Roll Over: A crowd-pleaser that’s relatively easy to teach.
6. Play Dead: A more advanced trick that impresses everyone.
7. Fetch: Combines exercise with training. Dogs enjoy retrieving objects.

 How to Teach Each Trick As You Train Dogs, First Level


1. Get your dog’s attention: Hold a treat close to their nose.
2. Move your hand up. Let your dog’s head follow the treat. This causes their bottom to lower.
3. Say “Sit”: Once they are in the sitting position, say “Sit” and give them the treat.
4. Repeat: Practice this a few times a day until your dog masters it.


1. Start with “Sit”: Have your dog sit first.
2. **Open palm signal**: Show your palm to your dog and say “Stay.”
3. Take a step back. If they stay, reward them with a treat.
4. Increase distance: Gradually increase the distance and time they stay.
5. Repeat: Practice regularly for consistency.


1. Put a leash on your dog. This helps control their movement. This is a link to find assorted leashes.
2. Say “come”: Use a happy, excited tone.
3. Gently pull the leash. Encourage them to move towards you.
4. Reward and praise: When they come, give them a treat and lots of praise.
5. Repeat: Practice in different environments.

Shake Hands

train dogs to shake hands like t his puppy
A treat really helps train dogs

1. Start with “Sit”: Have your dog sit.
2. Lift their paw: Gently take one of their paws in your hand.
3. Say “Shake”: While holding their paw, say “Shake” and give them a treat.
4. Repeat: Practice until your dog offers their paw on their own.

How to Teach Each Trick As You Train Dogs, Second Level

Roll Over

1. Have your dog lie down. Start from the down position.
2. Move a treat: Hold a treat close to their nose and move it slowly over their head towards their shoulder.
3. Say “Roll Over”: As they follow the treat, they should roll onto their back and then to their other side.
4. Reward and repeat: Give them the treat and repeat the process.

Play Dead

1. Start with “Down”: Have your dog lie down.
2. Move a treat to their side: Hold a treat and move it to their side, encouraging them to roll onto their side.
3. Say “Bang”: As they lie on their side, say “Bang” and give them the treat.
4. Practice: Repeat until they lie on their side on command.


1. Get a toy your dog likes: Use a favorite toy or ball. Link to dog toys:
2. Throw the toy: Toss it a short distance.
3. Encourage retrieval: When your dog picks up the toy, call them back to you.
4. Say “Fetch”: When they return, say “Fetch” and give them a treat.
5. Repeat: Gradually increase the distance of the throw.


Training your dog to obey and perform tricks strengthens your bond and provides mental stimulation. Use positive reinforcement, consistency, and patience. Start with basic commands and gradually progress to more complex tricks. Happy training!

Photos Courtesy of Pixabay

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