Most of us are in self-imposed isolation or under actual quarantine. For the past several days, we have had no choice but to stay home. This isolation period is to stop, or at least delay, the spread of a deadly virus that has caused a global pandemic. This virus has already claimed the lives of many people. While important, this isolation does not mean that all fun must stop. Check out the video clip below in which dogs frolic on a giant water slide.

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But, we don’t want to be a Debbie Downer here. So, let’s discuss something more fun, while still recognizing the reality of a quarantine. We have a question for you.

If you could have one luxurious thing in your house right now to help you cope with life under lockdown, what would it be? Some might answer a bowling alley. Others might say a well-stocked wine cellar.

bowling, pins, ball
Bowling Alley

All answers are valid. But for us, we would love to have a giant water slide in our backyard. Now, you might be wondering why.

Well, because the video below tempted us. It features dogs having a blast on a giant water slide. And we feel we deserve that kind of fun too.

In the video, we see a jumbo water slide that’s perfect for an entire neighborhood. Too bad they cannot share the fun right now. The weather is perfect, and it’s the best time to get that D. By D, we mean Vitamin D.

When the sun’s shining, it’s best to have your D outside. Here, by D, we mean dogs. And, that’s exactly what’s happening in our video.

Two dogs frolic on a water slide. A giant size one at that. And, they have it all to themselves. At first, the dogs seem reluctant to climb up the water slide.

Soon, they realize the water slide is not something to fear. It’s meant to be enjoyed. So they crawl their way up the water slide, and they glide down in delight.

At this point, we can’t help but daydream of a water slide, too. It would surely make our quarantined days more fun and livable. And, I would rather take my Vitamin from fun in the sun than by swallowing a pill. How about you?

The next video headline you see might be about me on the giant water slide instead of “two dogs frolic on water slide”.

If you wish to read about people coming together in this time of need, here is an article you might enjoy reading.

Here is an article explaining why you do not have to worry about your dog becoming ill with this virus.

Thanks to Sam Gosiewski

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As Wife, Mother of 5, and Nana of many more, I have known and loved many dogs who were treasured members of our family. My education, experiences in showing, breeding, and developing pedigree-based breeding programs for others gives me a strong background upon which to base articles of interest to most dog lovers. However, it is my great love for dogs that gives me the passion to share them with other dog lovers.


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