Who would say no to free beer and a cuddly four-legged companion while self-isolating? Not too many, that is for sure. That is why Busch decided to offer a three-month supply of beer as an incentive to potential families that will adopt or foster dogs from Midwest Animal Rescue & Services (MARS) during the current pandemic virus outbreak. It is important to note that Busch rewarded those who fostered dogs with a $100 gift card, allowing those who do not drink beer to participate as well.

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Since the start of the pandemic, many shelters have been forced to close their facilities to visitors. They hoped that this would help stop the spread of the diseases. In response to this, Busch decided to implement the incentive program, which ran until April 22. They have also donated $25,000 to MARS to help them rehome the rescue animals.

Our Furry Friends Really Need Our Help So Busch Rewarded Those Who Fostered Dogs To Encourage Dog Lovers to Do So

The company’s spokesperson said that during such an uncertain and lonely time, it is essential for people to have an escape. For instance, some cute puppy memes and photos can really help the time pass by more pleasantly. However, there is something more crucial than having a distraction while social distancing. That is the pets’ need for help from humans.

Busch’s spokesperson noted how having a furry friend’s company while holding a cold beer could improve someone’s social distancing experience. Thankfully, since many people have been self-isolating, more and more families are also taking advantage of the opportunity to foster animals that could keep them company during their isolation.

MARSCommunity! We love you! During this trying time, dogs still need help, now even more so than before. Shelters are…

Posted by Midwest Animal Rescue & Services on Tuesday, March 17, 2020


One example is this family from San Francisco, who has fostered three terrier-mix puppies. According to them, knowing that they have done something positive through fostering makes them feel really good.

The family is aware that many people are currently sick or out of work. They know that they can’t go out to help these people directly. Through fostering, they are somehow able to do something to help. Aside from their mission to support the rescue puppies, the family also finds the little pooches really cute.

In California, animal shelters also came up with an innovative way to promote the fostering of rescue animals. They started the drive-thru pet fostering services. Thankfully, the organizer confirmed that this was so well-received.

Now that the campaign is over, you can still help.

Doing good is its own reward but having a dog is also a reward in and of itself.

Credit: Busch, Midwest Animal Rescue & Services


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