It can be a lot of fun to show off your super-smart dog as he performs one trick after another to the amazement of your human friends. Using tricks to improve your dog’s skills is a smart move on your part.
In addition to wowing your buddies, teaching your dog several tricks is important for other reasons as well. You can improve your dog’s skills, both mental and physical, by teaching him these 7 tricks.
Not only does learning tricks enhance the mental capability of your dog, but they are fun for him as well. Some tricks require more physical agility and strength than do others you. Learning and performing tricks is good for your dog both mentally and physically and will improve your dog’s skills in general.
Once your dog masters those tricks, you will not hesitate to show him off to your friends. He will love the attention! There is a great assortment of tricks to choose from.
Tricks To Improve Your Dog’s Skills
To ensure that you have a more intelligent and interesting pet by your side, here are 7 tricks your dog can master. It has the added benefit of allowing you to improve your dog’s skills in many ways.
This is definitely one of the easier tricks your dog should be able to master. To have your dog spin, simply place a treat near his/her nose and move it in a circle, causing him to follow the treat. Doing so will attract it into spinning. Reward him by giving him the treat.
It is best to start with your dog in a standing position. Pull the treat in a circle all the way around his body so he has to move in a circle to follow the treat.
Once he reliably performs this trick, you can polish it up by giving hand signals and saying either ” turn right” or “turn left” while holding the treat in the corresponding hand.
Give Me A Kiss
This is a cute trick you should have your dog master. In fact, it is one of the easiest tricks you can teach your dog. It is a trick that is more popular among kids. They find the whole kissing process more entertaining. To train your dog on how to kiss, simply put a treat right on your own cheek and then follow it with a command. Your dog will not hesitate in giving you that peck.
Your friends will be rightfully impressed when they see your dog sitting comfortably on his hind legs and begging for some food. Though a difficult trick for any dog to master, it is worth all the effort dedicated to it. Teaching your dog this trick will improve your dog’s skills, both physically and mentally.
Before you leave for work, getting a goodbye wave from your dog is obviously a neat trick. You can have your dog do that every time you leave home. Just capitalize on the action constantly used by your dog in training, lifting his paw.
If your dog already knows how to shake hands or to give a high five, you are more than halfway there already. He needs to follow your commands to sit and stay before you add “wave hello or goodbye” to the command.
With your dog in the sitting position, with a treat in your hand hold it at his chest level. The goal is to get him to place his paw near your hand in an attempt to get to the treat. You do not want him to actually touch your hand though.
As soon as he makes the tiniest move toward your hand, reward him with a treat. (or a click if you are using the clicker method of training) Keep raising your hand higher during the practice sessions until you reach the level of his shoulder.
This trick takes strength and balance so have patience. It will pay off if you practice, practice, practice.
One of the extra benefits of teaching your dog to speak is that you gain some control of their vocalizations and can begin the process of limiting their barking as well.
This trick is taught in a few steps and each one will improve your dog’s skills
Get really excited and enthusiastically play with your dog to build their up energy level. Once they are energized, quickly stop the play and let the dog see that you have a treat in your hand.
Alternate hiding and showing the treat to your dog, playfully hiding it behind your back. The first time she barks, offer her the treat. (or reward with a click if using the click method)
Sometimes, imitating your dog’s bark can get her to mimic your behavior. It is important to start naming the behavior and using it as a command immediately before she barks. Once your dog knows that barking is what you want from them, add the hand signal to your command.
Dogs actually understand hand signals better than words. Keep this in mind when teaching the “No More” command when you want them to stop barking.If you do not have a way to command them to cease barking, they may think you want them to continue barking.
Take A Bow
Dogs are so cute when they are taking a bow. It is the best way to end his little performance of all the tricks you have taught him. Basically, he leans down with his elbows and chest resting on the floor while his rear end remains in the air.
Start off by commanding your dog to stand. This is a basic command that all dogs need to be taught. From there, hold a treat to his nose and slowly lower it toward the floor, keeping it close to his body. This should encourage him to lower his body until his elbows touch the floor, keeping his rear end up in the air.
After pausing a few seconds, use the treat to lure him back up to the standing position. Immediately, reward him with either the treat or a click. This should be repeated several times. It will not take long before he catches on.
Once he understands what you want from him and is fairly consistent with its performance, add the command word, “Bow”. Frequent practice lasting 5 minutes or less will reinforce this trick in less time than you probably think it will take.
Roll Over
This is a fairly common trick among many dog trainers. You are likely to find it easier to train the dog to do this trick in smaller parts.
Honestly, this is not a trick your dog will likely be able to master in one day. Therefore, you will need to be more patient with your dog when adding this trick to his act.
Your dog needs to know to sit and to lie down on command before you start teaching him this more complex trick. Have either your clicker or treats handy before you start the training session in a comfortable area where your dog will be relaxed.
Start by giving the “down” command. Holding a treat near his nose, pull it near his shoulder so he will have to lie down on his side to keep his eyes on it.
While a few dogs will follow all the way through on a roll by following the treat, most do better if broken into steps.
Upon the first indication that your dog is following your treat when lying down, reward them with either a click or a treat. Do this until he is consistently turning his head and, eventually, lying on his side. After several times of doing this, only reward him if he is actually lying on his side completely.
At this point, it does not take much to lure him all the way over and, finally, to either a sitting or standing position, as you desire. When he consistently and smoothly rolls all the way over before getting his treat, you can add the command with little effort.
With some dogs, you can quickly drop the treat and with others, you must slowly phase it out of the process. Short frequent training sessions that always end on a positive note keeps training fun and productive.
Teaching Your Dog Tricks To Improve Your Dog’s Skills Results in Amazing Results
Having your dog able to do several tricks is something in which you can take pride. It takes some time and effort to teach your dog new tricks but it is worth it.
With patience, you can achieve some amazing results and the bonds between you and your dog will be even stronger than ever.
If you are ready to read another article on teaching your dog tricks, go here:
Thanks to Pixabay for photos (as well as my photo album)