PawsitivelySpoiled5 (CC0), Pixabay

Seamus is a patient pit bull mix. Sadly, he has waited in a shelter for more than half his life for a family of his own. It would take a Christmas Miracle for a Pit Bull in a shelter for 5 Years to be adopted this week.

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This nine-year-old canine has lived over 2000 days of his life in a shelter located in California. That is five and one-half years of waiting for someone to adopt him.

But, his patience has finally paid off. Not only does Seamus have a home for the holidays, he has a forever home!

Patience Pays Off

After waiting for over five years for the perfect match, Seamus finally found his family. And, it was just in time for Christmas! They are thrilled to have this senior mixed bully breed as a member of their family. They have not delayed in making him famous.

Seamus’s “parents” have provided him with his own Instagram account. His handle is @seamus_the_bully. Seamus has posted photos of his new life with him enjoying long rides, lying in a comfy bed, getting scratched, and even hanging out near the Christmas tree.

Seamus Went From Forgotten to Famous

According to his new owner, Seamus is now famous. He says that “this dog has so much love from everyone. I am [glad] me, and my girlfriend got to adopt him. We love that old man and (he) has a forever home now,” reads one post. 

Fresno Bully Rescue is dedicated to finding adoptive homes for bully breeds of all kinds. Had Seamus been taken to another shelter, he may no longer have been with us. Luckily, they are a no-kill shelter. 

Pit Bull Mix Dogs in Greatest Danger

According to the Fresno Rescue’s website, the first dogs to be euthanized if they are not rescued or adopted are dogs of the Bully breeds, like SeamusGreater than a million of the pit bull mixed breed dogs are euthanized annually in the United States alone.

The work of the animal rescuer in the Central Valley area of California is considered critical. Since opening in May of 2008, they have rescued more than 2,500 dogs. Furthermore, at any point in time, they provide housing for greater than 40 dogs. These pit bull mix-breed dogs come from either abusive homes or county shelters where they had been designated for euthanasia.

A Christmas Miracle???

The odds that a senior pit bull mix would be selected for adoption after 5.5 years of living in a no-kill shelter are minuscule. Seamus being adopted into a forever home a few days before Christmas is what some people would call a Christmas Miracle. What about you? What do you call it?

Christmas Miracle for Pit Bull in Shelter for 5 Years works for me.

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