Giving a geriatric dog his medicine
Be A Good Boy and Take Your Medicine

Have you ever considered giving your fur baby CBD? Do you even know what types of CBD are available for your fur babies? Have you tried it yourself or do you know someone who has tried it?

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For true dog lovers, we do not own our fur babies, they are members of our family.It is important to us that they are more than just comfortable in their existence.

Mother, daughter and her Mastiff "Brother"
Mom, Daughter and Defender of the Family

We want them to live their lives to the fullest extent possible! Sadly, too many dogs suffer from stress, fatigue or illnesses just like we people do at times.

Fortunately, there is a natural product that is able to help both humans and their furry best friends as well. We both have endocannabinoid systems that are often depleted but can be replenished.

It is a great relief to dog lovers that there is something we can do to help them feel their best. Thankfully, this can be done without having to give them medications with potentially strong negative side effects.

What Types of CBD Are Available for Your Fur Babies?


There are several forms of CBD suitable for our furry friends. One of the most common is CBD oil which is very easy to add to their food. They are unlikely to slow down eating their dinner to even notice that it was added. It is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

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Good For What Ails Both Man an Beast

CBD Chews

CBD Chews are soft and easily digestible. They are easy to give as a treat on a daily basis or on an as needed basis as well. Just like us, our furry friends endocannaboid system takes a while to be replenished and to take full effect.

If your fur baby has a chronic condition you are treating with CBD, you are likely to notice an immediate improvement with even more to come over time. Just like with us humans, it takes time for their endocannabinoid systems to be replenished.

If your canine companion suffers from either chronic or episodic anxiety, CBD can be of great benefit to them. For example, if they become anxious about going to the vet or when there is a thunderstorm, give them a CBD Chew.

This can give them immediate relief. CBD Chews promote a sense of well-being and comfort. Some people have reported fairly dramatic results with both chronic and acute use. Break them in half to make them go further.

cannabis, gummies, cbd
One of the types of CBD available for your fur baby

CBD Spray Is One of The Lesser Known Types of CBD Available

Some of our furry family members are pickier than others. But, even they seem to have a favorite food or treat. Some brands of CBD for pets make a spray form that can be applied to any edible item or directly to their tongue.

The sprays can also be used for topical applications as well. Both people and various species of animals have experienced positive results with this method for some dermatological issues.

cbd öl, cbd spray, cbd
Another type of CBD available for your fur baby

How can you tell if it is working or not or what dose is needed? Obviously, our fur babies communicate with us in ways other than using words. We can usually tell how those we love are feeling without using words, right?

How Much Do You Need To Give Them?

There are guides for dosing that correlate with specific conditions available for both humans and for dogs. Most often, they are general guidelines that give a range and you adjust the dose to fit the individual’s needs and response to the dose.

Start low and go slow is the best way for both humans and dogs. Once the CBD builds up in their system, it will be more apparent to you just how successful that dose can be for your fur baby.

Be sure to keep a record of how much you give them and when it is administered. You will also want to note any positive reactions and when they first occurred. Bad reactions are highly unlikely but, of course, they should be noted as well.

Noting changes in the way they move, levels of anxiety or changes in mood or attitude are all things to keep an eye on. It helps if more than one person participates in this observation.

Asking someone to observe them without knowing you are giving them CBD will give you the most unbiased view. The most common side effect reported seems to be that some dogs will get a little sleepy if given a large dose to start off with. That is not always a bad thing!

Just like anything you would ingest yourself, you want only the highest quality CBD possible for your fur baby. There are many companies that make CBD products specifically for pets.

Sharing Experiences Will Help Us Choose From The Types of CBD Available

If you are giving your dogs CBD, I would love to hear from you. Please share with me the brand, dose and how it is administered as well as for what reason. Be sure to tell me how well it is working for them. . Id,Whether thanks!They


If you want to know more about anxiety and your fur baby, read this.

Photos Courtesy of Pixabay and my Photo Albums


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